- 1016 Geylang East Ave. 3 # 04-149 Singapore 389731
This is the game for teenagers to break the ice and start conversations with their peers. With Teen Talk in a Jar, you have access to 101 interesting questions to stimulate dialogue and break through awkwardness! Users will enjoy reading the thought provoking prompts on each card and sharing their opinions. Turn it into a standalone game or use the cards to supplement existing activities! Use this social communication resource in your home, classroom, or clinic to get kids talking with ease.
Examples of questions include: If you had to define “normal” how would you define it? Which song's lyrics best describe your life? What scares you most about growing old? If you had money to buy one thing that would fit in your room, what would you want?
This jar includes 101 question cards to help get kids talking to prompt interesting discussions. The cards are great for advisory time activities. Ages 13 & Up
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